Investigate outliers in WST/WCT comparisons with in situ ======================================================== Read the satellite data from the MDB files, using the ``s3analysis`` helper functions which avoid explicitely looping over files (read\_satellite\_data) .. code:: ipython2 from s3analysis.slstr.mdb.slstrmdb import SLSTRMDB import datetime import numpy # define match-up configuration mdb = SLSTRMDB(config={ 'mdb_output_root': "/home/cercache/project/s3vt/", 'reference': 'S3A_SL_2_WCT' }) start = datetime.datetime(2016, 11, 20) end = datetime.datetime(2016, 11, 30) # define match-ups fields to read and use later slstr_fields = { 'S3A_SL_2_WST': ['sea_surface_temperature', 'quality_level', 'time', 'lat', 'lon', 'origin', 'dynamic_target_center_index' ], 'S3A_SL_2_WCT': ['cloud_in'], 'S3A_SL_1_RBT_IR': [] } felyx_fields = ['lat', 'lon'] # define source of in situ data source = 'cmems_drifter' # perform the satellite (WST/WCT) data selection with the s3analysis helper functions # by default, takes the closest pixel to insitu measurement (most of the time = the center pixel of the box) res_slstr = mdb.read_satellite_data(source, start, dataset_fields=slstr_fields, felyx_fields=felyx_fields, end=end) print "Nb match-ups ", len(res_slstr['S3A_SL_2_WST']['time']) .. parsed-literal:: Reading file 44 over 44 Nb match-ups 22380 Read the in situ data using the corresponding function in s3mdbreader package (read\_insitu\_data) .. code:: ipython2 # Read in situ data insitu_fields = ['water_temperature', 'solar_zenith_angle', 'quality_level'] res_insitu = mdb.read_insitu_data(source, start, insitu_fields, end=end) .. parsed-literal:: File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/325/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/325/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/325/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/325/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/326/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/326/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/326/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/326/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/327/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/327/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/327/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/327/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/328/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/328/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/328/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/328/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/329/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/329/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/329/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/329/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/330/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/330/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/330/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/330/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/331/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/331/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/331/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/331/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/332/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/332/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/332/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/332/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/333/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/333/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/333/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/333/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/334/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/334/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/334/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/334/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/335/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/335/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/335/ File: /home/cercache/project/s3vt/2016/335/ .. code:: ipython2 # prune matchups where no WST values (probably a missing WST file corresponding to the WCT file) valid_wst_matchups = ~res_slstr['S3A_SL_2_WST']['time'].mask mdb.reduce(res_insitu, res_slstr, valid_wst_matchups) print "Nb match-ups ", len(res_slstr['S3A_SL_2_WST']['time']) .. parsed-literal:: Nb match-ups 18349 .. code:: ipython2 # calculate WCT cloud mask, using the s3analysis helper function (use the recommended flag combination) from import cloud_mask, cloud_summary cloudy = cloud_mask(res_slstr['S3A_SL_2_WCT']['cloud_in']) nbcloudy = numpy.count_nonzero(cloudy) nbmatchups = cloudy.size print "Number of cloudy pixels : %d (%d percent)" % (nbcloudy, nbcloudy * 100 / nbmatchups) print "Number of clear sky pixels : %d" % (nbmatchups - nbcloudy) # reduce to non cloudy match-ups mdb.reduce(res_insitu, res_slstr, ~cloudy) print "Nb match-ups ", len(res_slstr['S3A_SL_2_WST']['time']) .. parsed-literal:: Number of cloudy pixels : 15045 (81 percent) Number of clear sky pixels : 3304 Nb match-ups 3304 .. code:: ipython2 # read box data for a few parameters and apply the same selections as above to remove the same invalid match-ups box_fields = { 'S3A_SL_2_WST': ['sea_surface_temperature', 'quality_level'], 'S3A_SL_2_WCT': ['cloud_in', 'confidence_in'], 'S3A_SL_1_RBT_IR': [] } resbox = mdb.read_satellite_data(source, start, dataset_fields=box_fields, end=end, full_box=True) mdb.reduce({}, resbox, valid_wst_matchups) .. parsed-literal:: Reading file 44 over 44 .. code:: ipython2 print resbox['S3A_SL_2_WST']['quality_level'].shape .. parsed-literal:: (18349, 21, 21) .. code:: ipython2 mdb.reduce({}, resbox, ~cloudy) print resbox['S3A_SL_2_WST']['quality_level'].shape .. parsed-literal:: (3304, 21, 21) interactive display ------------------- First define a plot function for miniprod display of SST and cloud mask .. code:: ipython2 from matplotlib import pyplot from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable def plot_mask(choice): f, axarr = pyplot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=5, figsize=(15, 7)) im0 = axarr[0].imshow(resbox['S3A_SL_2_WST']['sea_surface_temperature'][choice, :, :], interpolation='nearest') divider0 = make_axes_locatable(axarr[0]) cax0 = divider0.append_axes("right", size="20%", pad=0.05) axarr[0].set_title('SST') pyplot.colorbar(im0, cax=cax0) im1 = axarr[1].imshow(resbox['S3A_SL_2_WST']['quality_level'][choice, :, :], interpolation='nearest', vmin=0, vmax=5) divider1 = make_axes_locatable(axarr[1]) cax1 = divider1.append_axes("right", size="20%", pad=0.05) axarr[1].set_title('Quality level') pyplot.colorbar(im1, cax=cax1) im2 = axarr[2].imshow(cloud_mask(resbox['S3A_SL_2_WCT']['cloud_in'][choice, :, :]), interpolation='nearest', vmin=0, vmax=1) axarr[2].set_title('Cloud mask') divider2 = make_axes_locatable(axarr[2]) cax2 = divider2.append_axes("right", size="20%", pad=0.05) pyplot.colorbar(im2, cax=cax2) im3 = axarr[3].imshow(resbox['S3A_SL_2_WCT']['cloud_in'][choice, :, :], interpolation='nearest') divider3 = make_axes_locatable(axarr[3]) print "cloud_in min/max : ", resbox['S3A_SL_2_WCT']['cloud_in'][choice, :, :].min(), \ resbox['S3A_SL_2_WCT']['cloud_in'][choice, :, :].max() cax3 = divider3.append_axes("right", size="20%", pad=0.05) axarr[3].set_title('Cloud flags') pyplot.colorbar(im3, cax=cax3) im4 = axarr[4].imshow(resbox['S3A_SL_2_WCT']['confidence_in'][choice, :, :], interpolation='nearest') divider4 = make_axes_locatable(axarr[4]) cax4 = divider4.append_axes("right", size="20%", pad=0.05) axarr[4].set_title('Summary flag') pyplot.colorbar(im4, cax=cax4) # show all individual cloud masks all_cloudbox = cloud_summary(resbox['S3A_SL_2_WCT']['cloud_in'][choice, :, :]) print "Used mask flags : ", all_cloudbox.keys() nbmasks = len(all_cloudbox.keys()) f, axarr = pyplot.subplots(nrows=nbmasks / 4 + 1, ncols=4, figsize=(15, 7)) for _, flag in enumerate(all_cloudbox.keys()): lin = _ / 4 col = _ % 4 im0 = axarr[lin, col].imshow(all_cloudbox[flag], interpolation='nearest', vmin=0, vmax=1) axarr[lin, col].set_title(flag) .. code:: ipython2 # use additional coherence filters on brightness temperature (S8 and S9) to remove outliers # we apply this filter only on a 3x3 box around the pixel matching the in situ measurement # read the 3x3 BTs for S8 and S9 bt_fields = { 'S3A_SL_2_WCT': [], 'S3A_SL_2_WST': [], 'S3A_SL_1_RBT_IR': ['S8_BT_in', 'S9_BT_in'] } l1_subboxres = mdb.read_satellite_data( source, start, dataset_fields=bt_fields, end=end, full_box=True, subbox=3 ) # prune macth-ups which don't have any WST info or cloudy mdb.reduce({}, l1_subboxres, valid_wst_matchups) mdb.reduce({}, l1_subboxres, ~cloudy) print l1_subboxres['S3A_SL_1_RBT_IR']['S8_BT_in'].shape .. parsed-literal:: Reading file 44 over 44 (3304, 3, 3) .. code:: ipython2 slstr_sst = res_slstr['S3A_SL_2_WST']['sea_surface_temperature'] insitu_sst = res_insitu['water_temperature'] + 273.15 print l1_subboxres['S3A_SL_1_RBT_IR']['S8_BT_in'].shape # coherence test on brightness temperature threshold = 0.05 coherent = ~((l1_subboxres['S3A_SL_1_RBT_IR']['S8_BT_in'][:].std(axis=(1,2)) > threshold) | (l1_subboxres['S3A_SL_1_RBT_IR']['S9_BT_in'][:].std(axis=(1,2)) > threshold)) filledbox = (l1_subboxres['S3A_SL_1_RBT_IR']['S8_BT_in'][:].count(axis=(1,2)) == 9) # additional filter to keep only nighttime data night = (res_insitu['solar_zenith_angle'] > 90.) & (~slstr_sst.mask & ~insitu_sst.mask) & coherent & filledbox .. parsed-literal:: (3304, 3, 3) .. code:: ipython2 # achtung! plotly neeeds to be installed in your environment (pip install plotly) import plotly.graph_objs as go import numpy as np from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot # allow inline plot with plotly init_notebook_mode(connected=True) # Create a interactive scatterplot SST vs in situ with plotly trace = go.Scattergl( x = insitu_sst[night], y = slstr_sst[night], text = numpy.arange(len(slstr_sst))[night], mode = 'markers', marker = dict( color = 'FFBAD2', line = dict(width = 1) ) ) data = [trace] iplot(data) print len(insitu_sst[night]), ' night match-ups' .. raw:: html .. raw:: html
.. parsed-literal:: 460 night match-ups Investigate a match-up ====================== .. code:: ipython2 choice = 577 # display match-up info print "SST value : %f K" % slstr_sst[choice] print "In situ value : %f K" % insitu_sst[choice] print "SST - in situ difference : %f K" % (slstr_sst[choice] - insitu_sst[choice]) print "Traceability:" print "....WST file : ", res_slstr['S3A_SL_2_WST']['origin'][choice] # locate match-up on map from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap m = Basemap() m.drawmapboundary() m.fillcontinents(color='#cc9966') x, y = m(res_slstr['S3A_SL_2_WST']['lon'][choice], res_slstr['S3A_SL_2_WST']['lat'][choice]) m.scatter(x, y) # plot cloud and SST plot_mask(choice) .. parsed-literal:: SST value : 282.639984 K In situ value : 295.770001 K SST - in situ difference : -13.130017 K Traceability: ....WST file : S3A_SL_2_WST____20161121T051430_20161121T051730_20161121T065004_0179_011_147______MAR_O_NR_002.SEN3 cloud_in min/max : 0 1088 .. image:: output_17_1.png .. image:: output_17_2.png .. parsed-literal:: Used mask flags : ['visible', '1.37_threshold', '1.6_small_histogram', '1.6_large_histogram', '2.25_small_histogram', '2.25_large_histogram', '11_spatial_coherence', 'gross_cloud', 'thin_cirrus', 'medium_high', 'fog_low_stratus', '11_12_view_difference', '3.7_11_view_difference', 'thermal_histogram', 'spare'] .. image:: output_17_4.png trace back to original file --------------------------- Here we access the content of the original file from which the match-up was extracted, and display a larger area around the match-up location. **This require to have access to the original SLSTR files!** .. code:: ipython2 # read indices (offsets in original file) of the selected match-up print res_slstr['S3A_SL_2_WST']['dynamic_target_center_index'][choice] .. parsed-literal:: [437 272] .. code:: ipython2 import os, datetime fname = res_slstr['S3A_SL_2_WST']['origin'][choice] ftime = datetime.datetime.strptime(fname[16:24], "%Y%m%d") # get full path name fullpathname = os.path.join( '/home/cerdata/provider/eumetsat/satellite/l2/sentinel-3/slstr/s3a_sl_2_wst___nr/', ftime.strftime("%Y/%j/"), fname ) print fullpathname # define large subset row, cell = res_slstr['S3A_SL_2_WST']['dynamic_target_center_index'][choice] boxwidth = 300 boxheight = 300 larger_box = {'row': slice(max(0, row - boxheight / 2), row + boxheight / 2), 'cell': slice(max(0, cell - boxwidth / 2), cell + boxheight / 2) } # load data into a cerbere swa=th object from cerbere.mapper.safeslfile import SAFESLWSTFile from cerbere.datamodel.swath import Swath wstfile = SAFESLWSTFile(fullpathname) swath = Swath() swath.load(wstfile) # extract the subset data = swath.get_values('sea_surface_temperature', slices=larger_box) # display from matplotlib import pyplot bottom = row - max(0, row - boxheight / 2) - 10 top = row - max(0, row - boxheight / 2) + 10 left = cell - max(0, cell - boxheight / 2) - 10 right = cell - max(0, cell - boxheight / 2) + 10 pyplot.plot([bottom, bottom, top, top, bottom], [left, right, right, left, left], color='k') pyplot.imshow(data, cmap='rainbow') pyplot.colorbar() .. parsed-literal:: /home/cerdata/provider/eumetsat/satellite/l2/sentinel-3/slstr/s3a_sl_2_wst___nr/2016/326/S3A_SL_2_WST____20161121T051430_20161121T051730_20161121T065004_0179_011_147______MAR_O_NR_002.SEN3 .. image:: output_20_1.png