=============================================================== = Déploiment OCO tenuse = 20/06/2011 T. Carval & W. Duros =============================================================== set SRC = /home/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0520/co052001/co05200104-glider-tenuse-mars-2011 set TMP = /home/agadir/tmp7/wduros/Tenuse_Aspex set SPOOL = /home/coriolis_exp/spool/co01/co0121/co012103 EXGL0008 Fichier zip reçu par CDOCO en décembre 2010 : tenuse_aspex.zip Inexploitable en l'état. Données reçues par ftp Coriolis : du 08/10/2010 au 20/11/2010 Nombre de profils Coriolis : 6167 Paramètres traités : PRES, TEMP, PSAL, DOXY Variables utilisées m_lat = 10 ; m_lon = 11 ; m_present_time = 15 ; sci_oxy3835_oxygen = 21 ; sci_water_cond = 22 ; sci_water_pressure = 23 ; sci_water_temp = 24 ; Variables non traités : c_wpt_lat = 1 ; c_wpt_lon = 2 ; m_ballast_pumped = 3 ; m_battery_inst = 4 ; m_battpos = 5 ; m_depth = 6 ; m_gps_lat = 7 ; m_gps_lon = 8 ; m_heading = 9 ; m_num_half_yos_in_segment = 12 ; m_pitch = 13 ; m_present_secs_into_mission = 14 ; m_water_vx = 16 ; m_water_vy = 17 ; sci_bb2flsV6_b532_scaled = 18 ; sci_bb2flsV6_b880_scaled = 19 ; sci_bb2flsV6_cdom_scaled = 20 ; select station_id from station where platform_code = 'EXGL0008' and station_date > to_date('08/10/2010', 'DD/MM/YYYY') and station_date < to_date('31/12/2010', 'DD/MM/YYYY') order by platform_code,station_date gedit tenuse_2010_313_0_0_sbd.m.4783160 c_wpt_lat = 1 ; c_wpt_lon = 2 ; m_ballast_pumped = 3 ; m_battery_inst = 4 ; m_battpos = 5 ; m_depth = 6 ; m_gps_lat = 7 ; m_gps_lon = 8 ; m_heading = 9 ; m_lat = 10 ; m_lon = 11 ; m_num_half_yos_in_segment = 12 ; m_pitch = 13 ; m_present_secs_into_mission = 14 ; m_present_time = 15 ; m_water_vx = 16 ; m_water_vy = 17 ; sci_bb2flsV6_b532_scaled = 18 ; sci_bb2flsV6_b880_scaled = 19 ; sci_bb2flsV6_cdom_scaled = 20 ; sci_oxy3835_oxygen = 21 ; sci_water_cond = 22 ; sci_water_pressure = 23 ; sci_water_temp = 24 ;