{ "global_attributes": { "data_type_#M" : "EGO glider time-series data", "format_version_#M" : "1.2", "platform_code_#M" : "nearchos", "date_update_#CM" : "20180221110239", "wmo_platform_code" : "68952", "ices_platform_code" : "", "source" : "Glider observation", "history_#C" : "", "data_mode_#M" : "R", "quality_index" : "unknown quality", "references" : "http://www.ego-network.org/", "comment" : "", "Conventions" : "CF-1.4 EGO-1.2", "netcdf_version" : "4.1.3", "title" : "nearchos glider data on mooseperseust02_09 deployment", "summary" : "The proposed research is based on the monitoring of the long term evolution of the North Western Mediterranean Sea with glider repeat-sections carried out in the framework of the ALLENVI/INSU/ SOERE MOOSE (http://moose-network.fr), INSU/MISTRALS (http://www.mistrals-home.org), and EU FP7 PERSEUS (http://www.perseus-net.eu). The objective is to monitor the oceanographic variability (physical and biogeochemical) of the north western Mediterranean Sea, over a continuum of spatial and temporal scales. Two cross-basin repeat-sections with a repeat rate of about 10-20 days allow to monitor the main circulation features (Northern Current, North Balearic Front, Western Corsica Current) on a regular basis, as well as major processes such as winter intermediate and deep water formations and vernal blooms. The gliders regularly visit MOOSE moorings for cross-calibration purposes and to explore the variability around these moorings. i) T00 is a repeat-section between Nice and Calvi passing by the MOOSE mooring DYFAMED located in the central Ligurian Sea ii) T02 is a repeat-section between Marseille and Menorca passing by the MOOSE mooring LION located in the center of the deep convection area", "abstract" : "", "keywords" : "mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water,temperature_of_sensor_for_oxygen_in_sea_water,uncalibrated_phase_shift_reported_by_oxygen_sensor ,calibrated_phase_shift_reported_by_oxygen_sensor ,uncalibrated_red_phase_shift_reported_by_oxygen_sensor,mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water,volume_scattering_function_of_radiative_flux_in_sea_water_532,volume_scattering_function_of_radiative_flux_in_sea_water_470,sea_water_temperature,sea_water_electrical_conductivity,sea_water_pressure", "naming_authority_#M" : "EGO", "id_#M" : "nearchos_mooseperseust02_09_R", "cdm_data_type" : "Trajectory", "area" : "Mediterranean Sea - Western basin", "geospatial_lat_min_#C" : "", "geospatial_lat_max_#C" : "", "geospatial_lon_min_#C" : "", "geospatial_lon_max_#C" : "", "geospatial_vertical_min_#C" : "", "geospatial_vertical_max_#C" : "", "time_coverage_start_#C" : "", "time_coverage_end_#C" : "", "institution" : "CNRS / Division Technique Insu", "institution_references" : "http://www.ego-network.org http://www.dt.insu.cnrs.fr/gliders/gliders.php", "sdn_edmo_code" : "1944", "contact" : "jean-luc.fuda@dt.insu.cnrs.fr", "author" : "Thierry.Carval@ifremer.fr", "data_assembly_center" : "IF", "principal_investigator" : "Pierre Testor", "principal_investigator_email" : "", "observatory" : "North West Mediterranean Observatory", "deployment_code" : "mooseperseust02_09", "deployment_label" : "mooseperseust02_09", "distribution_statement" : "Follows CLIVAR (Climate Varibility and Predictability) standards, cf. http://www.clivar.org/data/data_policy.php. Data available free of charge. User assumes all risk for use of data. User must display citation in any publication or product using data. User must contact PI prior to any commercial use of data.", "citation" : "These data were collected and made freely available by the EGO project and the national programs that contribute to it.", "update_interval" : "daily", "qc_manual" : "http://www.coriolis.eu.org/Data-Services-Products/Documentation/QC-documentations" }, "glider_characteristics_data": [ { "TRANS_SYSTEM" : "Iridium", "TRANS_SYSTEM_ID" : "300224010324500", "TRANS_FREQUENCY" : "NA", "POSITIONING_SYSTEM" : ["Iridium", "GPS", "ARGOS"], "PLATFORM_FAMILY" : "G1 ", "PLATFORM_TYPE" : "Slocum", "PLATFORM_MAKER" : "Teledyne Webb research", "FIRMWARE_VERSION_NAVIGATION" : "7.5", "FIRMWARE_VERSION_SCIENCE" : "", "MANUAL_VERSION" : "", "GLIDER_SERIAL_NO" : "127", "STANDARD_FORMAT_ID" : "", "DAC_FORMAT_ID" : "", "LANDSTATION_SOFTWARE_VERSION" : "7.4", "WMO_INST_TYPE" : "830", "PROJECT_NAME" : null, "DATA_CENTRE" : "IF", "PI_NAME" : "Pierre Testor", "ANOMALY" : "", "BATTERY_TYPE" : "Lithium", "BATTERY_PACKS" : "1 x WILPA1726", "SPECIAL_FEATURES" : "", "GLIDER_OWNER" : "ENSTA", "OPERATING_INSTITUTION" : "CNRS / Division Technique Insu", "CUSTOMIZATION" : "Blessed with anchovies" } ], "glider_deployment_data": [ { "DEPLOYMENT_START_DATE" : "20150319140307", "DEPLOYMENT_START_LATITUDE" : 43.0185, "DEPLOYMENT_START_LONGITUDE" : 5.7523, "DEPLOYMENT_START_QC" : 0, "DEPLOYMENT_PLATFORM" : "", "DEPLOYMENT_CRUISE_ID" : "mooseperseust02_09", "DEPLOYMENT_REFERENCE_STATION_ID" : "", "RECOV_PLATFORM" : "", "DEPLOYMENT_OPERATOR" : "Jean-Luc Fuda", "DEPLOYMENT_END_DATE" : "20150527140534", "DEPLOYMENT_END_LATITUDE" : 42.9383, "DEPLOYMENT_END_LONGITUDE" : 5.7619, "DEPLOYMENT_END_QC" : 0, "DEPLOYMENT_END_STATUS" : "R" } ], "coordinate_variables": [ { "variable_name" : "rawData.vars_sci_time.sci_m_present_time", "ego_variable_name" : "TIME", "dim" : "TIME", "typeof" : "double", "long_name" : "Epoch time", "standard_name_#M" : "time", "units_#M" : "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "_FillValue_#M" : 9999999999, "valid_min" : 0, "valid_max" : 90000, "QC_procedure" : "EGO QC not applied yet", "comment" : "", "axis" : "T", "ancillary_variable" : "TIME_QC", "sdn_parameter_urn" : "SDN:P01::ELTMEP01", "sdn_uom_urn" : "SDN:P061::UTBB", "glider_original_parameter_name" : "sci_m_present_time" }, { "variable_name" : "rawData.vars_sci_time.sci_juld", "ego_variable_name" : "JULD", "dim" : "TIME", "typeof" : "double", "long_name" : "Julian 1950 time", "standard_name_#M" : "time", "units_#M" : "days since 1950-01-01T00:00:00Z", "_FillValue_#M" : 999999, "valid_min" : 0, "valid_max" : 90000, "QC_procedure" : "EGO QC not applied yet", "comment" : "", "axis" : "T", "ancillary_variable" : "JULD_QC", "sdn_parameter_urn" : "SDN:P01::XXX", "sdn_uom_urn" : "SDN:P061::UTAA", "glider_original_parameter_name" : "sci_juld" }, { "variable_name" : "rawData.vars_sci_time.sci_m_lat", "ego_variable_name" : "LATITUDE", "dim" : "TIME", "typeof" : "double", "long_name" : "Measurement latitude", "standard_name_#M" : "latitude", "units_#M" : "degree_north", "_FillValue_#M" : 99999, "valid_min" : -90, "valid_max" : 90, "QC_procedure" : "EGO QC not applied yet", "comment" : "", "axis" : "Y", "ancillary_variable" : "POSITION_QC", "reference" : "WGS84", "coordinate_reference_frame" : "urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326", "sdn_parameter_urn" : "SDN:P01::ALATZZ01", "sdn_uom_urn" : "SDN:P061::DEGN", "glider_original_parameter_name" : "sci_m_lat" }, { "variable_name" : "rawData.vars_sci_time.sci_m_lon", "ego_variable_name" : "LONGITUDE", "dim" : "TIME", "typeof" : "double", "long_name" : "Measurement longitude", "standard_name_#M" : "longitude", "units_#M" : "degree_east", "_FillValue_#M" : 99999, "valid_min" : -180, "valid_max" : 180, "QC_procedure" : "EGO QC not applied yet", "comment" : "", "axis" : "X", "ancillary_variable" : "POSITION_QC", "reference" : "WGS84", "coordinate_reference_frame" : "urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326", "sdn_parameter_urn" : "SDN:P01::ALONZZ01", "sdn_uom_urn" : "SDN:P061::DEGE", "glider_original_parameter_name" : "sci_m_lon" }, { "variable_name" : "rawData.vars_time_gps.time", "ego_variable_name" : "TIME_GPS", "dim" : "TIME_GPS", "typeof" : "double", "long_name" : "Epoch time of the GPS fixes", "standard_name_#M" : "time", "units_#M" : "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "_FillValue_#M" : -1, "valid_min" : 0, "valid_max" : 90000, "QC_procedure" : "EGO QC not applied yet", "comment" : "", "axis" : "T", "ancillary_variable" : "TIME_GPS_QC", "sdn_parameter_urn" : "SDN:P01::ELTMEP01", "sdn_uom_urn" : "SDN:P061::UTBB", "glider_original_parameter_name" : "time" }, { "variable_name" : "rawData.vars_time_gps.latitude", "ego_variable_name" : "LATITUDE_GPS", "dim" : "TIME_GPS", "typeof" : "double", "long_name" : "Gps fixed latitude", "standard_name_#M" : "latitude", "units_#M" : "degree_north", "_FillValue_#M" : 99999, "valid_min" : -90, "valid_max" : 90, "QC_procedure" : "EGO QC not applied yet", "comment" : "", "axis" : "Y", "ancillary_variable" : "POSITION_GPS_QC", "reference" : "WGS84", "coordinate_reference_frame" : "urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326", "sdn_parameter_urn" : "SDN:P01::ALATZZ01", "sdn_uom_urn" : "SDN:P061::DEGN", "glider_original_parameter_name" : "latitude" }, { "variable_name" : "rawData.vars_time_gps.longitude", "ego_variable_name" : "LONGITUDE_GPS", "dim" : "TIME_GPS", "typeof" : "double", "long_name" : "Gps fixed longitude", "standard_name_#M" : "longitude", "units_#M" : "degree_east", "_FillValue_#M" : 99999, "valid_min" : -180, "valid_max" : 180, "QC_procedure" : "EGO QC not applied yet", "comment" : "", "axis" : "X", "ancillary_variable" : "POSITION_GPS_QC", "reference" : "WGS84", "coordinate_reference_frame" : "urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326", "sdn_parameter_urn" : "SDN:P01::ALONZZ01", "sdn_uom_urn" : "SDN:P061::DEGE", "glider_original_parameter_name" : "longitude" }, { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "TIME_QC", "dim" : "TIME", "typeof" : "byte", "long_name" : "Quality flag", "conventions" : "EGO reference table 2", "_FillValue" : -128, "valid_min" : 0, "valid_max" : 9, "flag_values" : [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9], "flag_meanings" : "no_qc_performed good_data probably_good_data bad_data_that_are_potentially_correctable bad_data value_changed interpolated_value missing_value" }, { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "JULD_QC", "dim" : "TIME", "typeof" : "byte", "long_name" : "Quality flag", "conventions" : "EGO reference table 2", "_FillValue" : -128, "valid_min" : 0, "valid_max" : 9, "flag_values" : [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9], "flag_meanings" : "no_qc_performed good_data probably_good_data bad_data_that_are_potentially_correctable bad_data value_changed interpolated_value missing_value" }, { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "POSITION_QC", "dim" : "TIME", "typeof" : "byte", "long_name" : "Quality flag", "conventions" : "EGO reference table 2", "_FillValue" : -128, "valid_min" : 0, "valid_max" : 9, "flag_values" : [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9], "flag_meanings" : "no_qc_performed good_data probably_good_data bad_data_that_are_potentially_correctable bad_data value_changed interpolated_value missing_value" }, { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "TIME_GPS_QC", "dim" : "TIME_GPS", "typeof" : "byte", "long_name" : "Quality flag", "conventions" : "EGO reference table 2", "_FillValue" : -128, "valid_min" : 0, "valid_max" : 9, "flag_values" : [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9], "flag_meanings" : "no_qc_performed good_data probably_good_data bad_data_that_are_potentially_correctable bad_data value_changed interpolated_value missing_value" }, { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "POSITION_GPS_QC", "dim" : "TIME_GPS", "typeof" : "byte", "long_name" : "Quality flag", "conventions" : "EGO reference table 2", "_FillValue" : -128, "valid_min" : 0, "valid_max" : 9, "flag_values" : [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9], "flag_meanings" : "no_qc_performed good_data probably_good_data bad_data_that_are_potentially_correctable bad_data value_changed interpolated_value missing_value" } ], "glider_sensor": [ { "SENSOR_MAKER" : "Aanderaa", "SENSOR_MODEL" : "Oxy 5013", "SENSOR_SERIAL_NO" : "1039", "parametersList" : [ { "variable_name" : "rawData.vars_sci_time.sci_oxy3835_wphase_oxygen", "ego_variable_name" : "MOLAR_DOXY", "dim" : "TIME", "typeof" : "float", "standard_name_#M" : "mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water", "units_#M" : "micromole/l", "_FillValue_#M" : 99999, "long_name" : "Uncompensated (pressure and salinity) oxygen concentration reported by the oxygen sensor", "valid_min" : 0, "valid_max" : 650, "comment" : "", "ancillary_variable" : "MOLAR_DOXY_QC", "sdn_parameter_urn" : "SDN:P01::DOXYMMOP", "sdn_uom_urn" : "SDN:P061::MMPL", "sdn_uom_name" : "", "glider_original_parameter_name" : "sci_oxy3835_wphase_oxygen", "accuracy" : "", "precision" : "", "resolution" : "", "cell_methods" : "", "reference_scale" : "", "sensor_mount" : "", "sensor_orientation" : "", "sensor_name" : "Aanderaa Oxy 5013", "sensor_serial_number" : "1039", "DM_indicator" : "", "coordinates" : "TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE PRES" } ] }, { "SENSOR_MAKER" : "Wetlabs", "SENSOR_MODEL" : "bb2flslk V2", "SENSOR_SERIAL_NO" : "413", "parametersList" : [ { "variable_name" : "rawData.vars_sci_time.sci_bb2flsv2_chl_scaled", "ego_variable_name" : "CHLA", "dim" : "TIME", "typeof" : "float", "standard_name_#M" : "mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water", "units_#M" : "mg/m3", "_FillValue_#M" : 99999, "long_name" : "Chlorophyll-A", "valid_min" : "", "valid_max" : "", "comment" : "", "ancillary_variable" : "CHLA_QC", "sdn_parameter_urn" : "SDN:P01::CPHLPR01", "sdn_uom_urn" : "SDN:P061::UMMC", "sdn_uom_name" : "", "glider_original_parameter_name" : "sci_bb2flsv2_chl_scaled", "accuracy" : "", "precision" : "", "resolution" : "", "cell_methods" : "", "reference_scale" : "", "sensor_mount" : "", "sensor_orientation" : "", "sensor_name" : "Wetlabs bb2flslk V2", "sensor_serial_number" : "413", "DM_indicator" : "", "coordinates" : "TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE PRES" }, { "variable_name" : "rawData.vars_sci_time.sci_bb2flsv2_b532_scaled", "ego_variable_name" : "BBP532", "dim" : "TIME", "typeof" : "float", "standard_name_#M" : "", "units_#M" : "m-1", "_FillValue_#M" : 99999, "long_name" : "Particle backscattering at 532 nanometers", "valid_min" : "", "valid_max" : "", "comment" : "", "ancillary_variable" : "BBP532_QC", "sdn_parameter_urn" : "SDN:P01::BB117G01", "sdn_uom_urn" : "SDN:P061::PMSR", "sdn_uom_name" : "", "glider_original_parameter_name" : "sci_bb2flsv2_b532_scaled", "accuracy" : "", "precision" : "", "resolution" : "", "cell_methods" : "", "reference_scale" : "", "sensor_mount" : "", "sensor_orientation" : "", "sensor_name" : "Wetlabs bb2flslk V2", "sensor_serial_number" : "413", "DM_indicator" : "", "coordinates" : "TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE PRES" }, { "variable_name" : "rawData.vars_sci_time.sci_bb2flsv2_b470_scaled", "ego_variable_name" : "BBP470", "dim" : "TIME", "typeof" : "float", "standard_name_#M" : "", "units_#M" : "m-1", "_FillValue_#M" : 99999, "long_name" : "Particle backscattering at 470 nanometers", "valid_min" : "", "valid_max" : "", "comment" : "", "ancillary_variable" : "BBP470_QC", "sdn_parameter_urn" : "SDN:P01::BB117B01", "sdn_uom_urn" : "SDN:P061::PMSR", "sdn_uom_name" : "", "glider_original_parameter_name" : "sci_bb2flsv2_b470_scaled", "accuracy" : "", "precision" : "", "resolution" : "", "cell_methods" : "", "reference_scale" : "", "sensor_mount" : "", "sensor_orientation" : "", "sensor_name" : "Wetlabs bb2flslk V2", "sensor_serial_number" : "413", "DM_indicator" : "", "coordinates" : "TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE PRES" } ] }, { "SENSOR_MAKER" : "SeaBird Electronics ", "SENSOR_MODEL" : "CTD 41cp", "SENSOR_SERIAL_NO" : "0061", "parametersList" : [ { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "PSAL", "dim" : "TIME", "typeof" : "float", "standard_name_#M" : "sea_water_salinity", "units_#M" : "psu", "_FillValue_#M" : 99999, "long_name" : "Practical salinity", "valid_min" : 2, "valid_max" : 41, "comment" : "", "ancillary_variable" : "PSAL_QC", "sdn_parameter_urn" : "SDN:P01::PSALST01", "sdn_uom_urn" : "DN:P061::UUUU", "sdn_uom_name" : "", "glider_original_parameter_name" : "", "accuracy" : "", "precision" : "", "resolution" : "", "cell_methods" : "", "reference_scale" : "", "sensor_mount" : "", "sensor_orientation" : "", "sensor_name" : "SeaBird Electronics CTD 41cp", "sensor_serial_number" : "0061", "DM_indicator" : "", "coordinates" : "TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE PRES" }, { "variable_name" : "rawData.vars_sci_time.sci_water_temp", "ego_variable_name" : "TEMP", "dim" : "TIME", "typeof" : "float", "standard_name_#M" : "sea_water_temperature", "units_#M" : "degree_Celsius", "_FillValue_#M" : 99999, "long_name" : "Sea temperature in-situ ITS-90 scale", "valid_min" : -2.5, "valid_max" : 40, "comment" : "", "ancillary_variable" : "TEMP_QC", "sdn_parameter_urn" : "SDN:P01::TEMPST01", "sdn_uom_urn" : "SDN:P061::UPAA", "sdn_uom_name" : "", "glider_original_parameter_name" : "sci_water_temp", "accuracy" : "", "precision" : "", "resolution" : "", "cell_methods" : "", "reference_scale" : "", "sensor_mount" : "", "sensor_orientation" : "", "sensor_name" : "SeaBird Electronics CTD 41cp", "sensor_serial_number" : "0061", "DM_indicator" : "", "coordinates" : "TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE PRES" }, { "variable_name" : "rawData.vars_sci_time.sci_water_cond", "ego_variable_name" : "CNDC", "dim" : "TIME", "typeof" : "float", "standard_name_#M" : "sea_water_electrical_conductivity", "units_#M" : "mhos/m", "_FillValue_#M" : 99999, "long_name" : "Electrical conductivity", "valid_min" : 0, "valid_max" : 8.5, "comment" : "", "ancillary_variable" : "CNDC_QC", "sdn_parameter_urn" : "SDN:P01::CNDCST01", "sdn_uom_urn" : "SDN:P061::UECA", "sdn_uom_name" : "", "glider_original_parameter_name" : "sci_water_cond", "accuracy" : "", "precision" : "", "resolution" : "", "cell_methods" : "", "reference_scale" : "", "sensor_mount" : "", "sensor_orientation" : "", "sensor_name" : "SeaBird Electronics CTD 41cp", "sensor_serial_number" : "0061", "DM_indicator" : "", "coordinates" : "TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE PRES" }, { "variable_name" : "rawData.vars_sci_time.sci_water_pressure", "ego_variable_name" : "PRES", "dim" : "TIME", "typeof" : "float", "standard_name_#M" : "sea_water_pressure", "units_#M" : "decibar", "_FillValue_#M" : 99999, "axis" : "Z", "positive" : "down", "long_name" : "Sea water pressure, equals 0 at sea-level", "valid_min" : 0, "valid_max" : 12000, "comment" : "", "ancillary_variable" : "PRES_QC", "sdn_parameter_urn" : "SDN:P01::PRESPR01", "sdn_uom_urn" : "SDN:P061::UPDB", "sdn_uom_name" : "", "glider_original_parameter_name" : "sci_water_pressure", "accuracy" : "", "precision" : "", "resolution" : "", "cell_methods" : "", "reference_scale" : "", "sensor_mount" : "", "sensor_orientation" : "", "sensor_name" : "SeaBird Electronics CTD 41cp", "sensor_serial_number" : "0061", "DM_indicator" : "", "coordinates" : "TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE PRES" } ] } ], "glider_parameter_derivation_data": { "DERIVATION_PARAMETER": [ "MOLAR_DOXY", "CHLA", "BBP532", "BBP470", "PSAL", "TEMP", "CNDC", "PRES" ], "DERIVATION_EQUATION": [ "molar_doxy=C0 + C1*dphase + C2*dphase^2 + C3*dphase^3 + C4*dphase^4, with Ci=Ci0 + Ci1*T + Ci2*T^2 + Ci3*T^3 (T: temperature)", "CHL= Scale Factor*(Output - Dark counts)", "Beta(theta_c) m^-1 sr^-1=Scale Factor x(Output - Dark counts)", "Beta(theta_c) m^-1 sr^-1=Scale Factor x(Output - Dark counts)", "", "T=1/{a0+a1[ln(n)]+a2[ln^2(n)]+a3[ln^3(n)]}-273.15 ", "Conductivity=(g+hf^2+if^3+jf^4)/(1+deltat+epsilonp) Siemens/meter t=temperature(degreeC);p=pressure(decibars);delta=CTcor;epsilon=CPcor", "pressure=PA0+PA1*n+PA2*n2; n=x*PTCB0/(PTCB0+PTCB1*t+PTCB2*t^2; x=pressure output-PTAC0-PTCA1*t-PTCA2*t^2; y=thermistor output; t=PTEMPA0+PTEMPA1*y+PTE" ], "DERIVATION_COEFFICIENT": [ "None=None", "Scale Factor=0.0115,Output=4119,Dark Counts=50", "Scale Factor=7.906E-06,Output=meter reading counts,Dark Counts=50", "Scale Factor=1.209E-05,Output=meter reading counts,Dark Counts=51", "Not measured by the glider. Calculated by Coriolis", "g=-1.060498e-005,h=2.799402e-004,i=-2.663430e-006,j=1.637713e-007", "g=-1.009268e+000,h=1.62764e-001,i=-3.701153e-004,j=5.477959e-005,CPcor=-9.5700e-008,CTcor=3.2500e-006,WBOTC=-2.2044e-004", "PA0=3.565113e-001,PA1=1.339574e-001,PA2=-3.211056e-008,PTHA0=-7.488808e+001,PTHA1=4.806460e-002,PTHA2=2.109311e-008,PTCA0=-7.736088e+001,PTCA1=5.072716e-002,PTCA2=4.007259e-003,PTCB0=2.549175e+001,PTCB1=1.550000e-003,PTCB2=0.000000e+000" ], "DERIVATION_COMMENT": [ "", "", "", "", "", "Capteur de pression calibr\u0106\u00a9 le 29/01/2008", "Capteur de pression calibr\u0106\u00a9 le 29/01/2008", "Capteur de pression calibr\u0106\u00a9 le 29/01/2008" ], "DERIVATION_DATE": [ "20140214095628", "20071031152544", "20071031152544", "20071031152544", "", "20080131190150", "20080131190150", "20080131190150" ] }, "parameter_qc": [ { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "_QC", "dim" : "TIME", "typeof" : "byte", "long_name" : "Quality flag", "conventions" : "EGO reference table 2", "_FillValue" : -128, "valid_min" : 0, "valid_max" : 9, "flag_values" : [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9], "flag_meanings" : "no_qc_performed good_data probably_good_data bad_data_that_are_potentially_correctable bad_data value_changed interpolated_value missing_value" } ], "parameter_uncertainty": [ { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "_UNCERTAINTY", "dim" : "TIME", "typeof" : "float", "long_name" : "Uncertainty", "_FillValue" : "", "units" : "" } ], "phase_management": [ { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "PHASE", "dim" : "TIME", "typeof" : "byte", "long_name" : "Glider trajectory phase code", "conventions" : "EGO reference table 9", "_FillValue" : -128, "flag_values" : [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], "flag_meanings" : "surface_drift descent subsurface_drift inflexion ascent grounded inconsistent" }, { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "PHASE_NUMBER", "dim" : "TIME", "typeof" : "int", "long_name" : "Glider trajectory phase number", "_FillValue" : 99999 } ], "positioning_method": [ { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "POSITIONING_METHOD", "dim" : "TIME", "typeof" : "byte", "long_name" : "Positioning method", "conventions" : "EGO reference table 10", "_FillValue" : -128, "flag_values" : [0, 1, 2], "flag_meanings" : "GPS Argos interpolated" } ], "glider_characteristics_def": [ { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.TRANS_SYSTEM", "ego_variable_name" : "TRANS_SYSTEM", "dim" : ["N_TRANS_SYSTEM", "STRING16"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Telecommunication system used", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.TRANS_SYSTEM_ID", "ego_variable_name" : "TRANS_SYSTEM_ID", "dim" : ["N_TRANS_SYSTEM", "STRING32"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Program identifier used by the transmission system", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.TRANS_FREQUENCY", "ego_variable_name" : "TRANS_FREQUENCY", "dim" : ["N_TRANS_SYSTEM", "STRING16"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Frequency of transmission from the glider", "units" : "hertz", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.POSITIONING_SYSTEM", "ego_variable_name" : "POSITIONING_SYSTEM", "dim" : ["N_POSITIONING_SYSTEM", "STRING8"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Positioning system", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.PLATFORM_FAMILY", "ego_variable_name" : "PLATFORM_FAMILY", "dim" : "STRING256", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Category of instrument", "conventions" : "EGO reference table 22", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.PLATFORM_TYPE", "ego_variable_name" : "PLATFORM_TYPE", "dim" : "STRING32", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Type of glider", "conventions" : "EGO reference table XX", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.PLATFORM_MAKER", "ego_variable_name" : "PLATFORM_MAKER", "dim" : "STRING256", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Name of the manufacturer", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.FIRMWARE_VERSION_NAVIGATION", "ego_variable_name" : "FIRMWARE_VERSION_NAVIGATION", "dim" : "STRING16", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Firmware version of the navigation controller board", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.FIRMWARE_VERSION_SCIENCE", "ego_variable_name" : "FIRMWARE_VERSION_SCIENCE", "dim" : "STRING16", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Firmware version of the scientific sensors controller board", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.MANUAL_VERSION", "ego_variable_name" : "MANUAL_VERSION", "dim" : "STRING16", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Manual version of the glider", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.GLIDER_SERIAL_NO", "ego_variable_name" : "GLIDER_SERIAL_NO", "dim" : "STRING16", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Serial number of the glider", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.STANDARD_FORMAT_ID", "ego_variable_name" : "STANDARD_FORMAT_ID", "dim" : "STRING16", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Standard format number which describes the data format type for each glider", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.DAC_FORMAT_ID", "ego_variable_name" : "DAC_FORMAT_ID", "dim" : "STRING16", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Format number used by the DAC to describe the data format type for each glider", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.WMO_INST_TYPE", "ego_variable_name" : "WMO_INST_TYPE", "dim" : "STRING4", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Coded instrument type", "conventions" : "EGO reference table 8", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.PROJECT_NAME", "ego_variable_name" : "PROJECT_NAME", "dim" : "STRING64", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Program under which the glider was deployed", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.DATA_CENTRE", "ego_variable_name" : "DATA_CENTRE", "dim" : "STRING2", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Data centre in charge of glider real-time processing", "conventions" : "EGO reference table 4", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.PI_NAME", "ego_variable_name" : "PI_NAME", "dim" : "STRING64", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Name of the Principal Investigator", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.ANOMALY", "ego_variable_name" : "ANOMALY", "dim" : "STRING256", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Describe any anomalies or problems the glider may have had", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.BATTERY_TYPE", "ego_variable_name" : "BATTERY_TYPE", "dim" : "STRING64", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Type of battery packs in the glider", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.BATTERY_PACKS", "ego_variable_name" : "BATTERY_PACKS", "dim" : "STRING64", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Configuration of battery packs in the glider", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.SPECIAL_FEATURES", "ego_variable_name" : "SPECIAL_FEATURES", "dim" : "STRING1024", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Extra features of the glider (algorithms, compressee etc.)", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.GLIDER_OWNER", "ego_variable_name" : "GLIDER_OWNER", "dim" : "STRING64", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Glider owner", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.OPERATING_INSTITUTION", "ego_variable_name" : "OPERATING_INSTITUTION", "dim" : "STRING64", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Operating institution of the glider", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_characteristics_data.CUSTOMIZATION", "ego_variable_name" : "CUSTOMIZATION", "dim" : "STRING1024", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Glider customization, i.e. (institutionand modifications)", "_FillValue" : " " } ], "glider_deployment_def": [ { "variable_name" : "glider_deployment_data.DEPLOYMENT_START_DATE", "ego_variable_name" : "DEPLOYMENT_START_DATE", "dim" : "DATE_TIME", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Date (UTC) of the deployment", "conventions" : "YYYYMMDDHHMISS", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_deployment_data.DEPLOYMENT_START_LATITUDE", "ego_variable_name" : "DEPLOYMENT_START_LATITUDE", "dim" : "", "typeof" : "double", "long_name" : "Latitude of the glider when deployed", "units" : "degree_north", "_FillValue" : 99999, "valid_min" : -90, "valid_max" : 90 }, { "variable_name" : "glider_deployment_data.DEPLOYMENT_START_LONGITUDE", "ego_variable_name" : "DEPLOYMENT_START_LONGITUDE", "dim" : "", "typeof" : "double", "long_name" : "Longitude of the glider when deployed", "units" : "degree_east", "_FillValue" : 99999, "valid_min" : -180, "valid_max" : 180 }, { "variable_name" : "glider_deployment_data.DEPLOYMENT_START_QC", "ego_variable_name" : "DEPLOYMENT_START_QC", "dim" : "", "typeof" : "byte", "long_name" : "Quality on DEPLOYMENT_START date, time and location", "conventions" : "EGO reference table 2", "_FillValue" : -128, "flag_values" : [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9], "flag_meanings" : "no_qc_performed good_data probably_good_data bad_data_that_are_potentially_correctable bad_data value_changed interpolated_value missing_value" }, { "variable_name" : "glider_deployment_data.DEPLOYMENT_PLATFORM", "ego_variable_name" : "DEPLOYMENT_PLATFORM", "dim" : "STRING32", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Identifier of the deployment platform", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_deployment_data.DEPLOYMENT_CRUISE_ID", "ego_variable_name" : "DEPLOYMENT_CRUISE_ID", "dim" : "STRING32", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Identifier of the cruise that deployed the glider", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_deployment_data.DEPLOYMENT_REFERENCE_STATION_ID", "ego_variable_name" : "DEPLOYMENT_REFERENCE_STATION_ID", "dim" : "STRING256", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Identifier of stations used to verify the parameter measurements", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_deployment_data.DEPLOYMENT_END_DATE", "ego_variable_name" : "DEPLOYMENT_END_DATE", "dim" : "DATE_TIME", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Date (UTC) of the glider recovery", "conventions" : "YYYYMMDDHHMISS", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_deployment_data.DEPLOYMENT_END_LATITUDE", "ego_variable_name" : "DEPLOYMENT_END_LATITUDE", "dim" : "", "typeof" : "double", "long_name" : "Latitude of the glider recovery", "units" : "degree_north", "_FillValue" : 99999, "valid_min" : -90, "valid_max" : 90 }, { "variable_name" : "glider_deployment_data.DEPLOYMENT_END_LONGITUDE", "ego_variable_name" : "DEPLOYMENT_END_LONGITUDE", "dim" : "", "typeof" : "double", "long_name" : "Longitude of the glider recovery", "units" : "degree_east", "_FillValue" : 99999, "valid_min" : -180, "valid_max" : 180 }, { "variable_name" : "glider_deployment_data.DEPLOYMENT_END_QC", "ego_variable_name" : "DEPLOYMENT_END_QC", "dim" : "", "typeof" : "byte", "long_name" : "Quality on DEPLOYMENT_END date, time and location", "conventions" : "EGO reference table 2", "_FillValue" : -128, "flag_values" : [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9], "flag_meanings" : "no_qc_performed good_data probably_good_data bad_data_that_are_potentially_correctable bad_data value_changed interpolated_value missing_value" }, { "variable_name" : "glider_deployment_data.DEPLOYMENT_END_STATUS", "ego_variable_name" : "DEPLOYMENT_END_STATUS", "dim" : "", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Status of the end of mission of the glider", "conventions" : "R: retrieved, L: lost", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_deployment_data.DEPLOYMENT_OPERATOR", "ego_variable_name" : "DEPLOYMENT_OPERATOR", "dim" : "STRING256", "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Name of the person in charge of the glider deployment", "_FillValue" : " " } ], "glider_sensor_def": [ { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "SENSOR", "dim" : ["N_PARAM", "STRING64"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "List of sensors on the glider", "conventions" : "EGO reference table 3", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "SENSOR_MAKER", "dim" : ["N_PARAM", "STRING256"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Name of the sensor manufacturer", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "SENSOR_MODEL", "dim" : ["N_PARAM", "STRING256"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Model of the sensor", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "SENSOR_SERIAL_NO", "dim" : ["N_PARAM", "STRING16"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Serial number of the sensor", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "SENSOR_UNITS", "dim" : ["N_PARAM", "STRING16"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Units of the parameter measured by the sensor", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "SENSOR_ACCURACY", "dim" : ["N_PARAM", "STRING32"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Accuracy of the parameter measured by the sensor", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "SENSOR_RESOLUTION", "dim" : ["N_PARAM", "STRING32"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Resolution of the parameter measured by the sensor", "_FillValue" : " " } ], "glider_parameter_derivation_def": [ { "variable_name" : "glider_parameter_derivation_data.DERIVATION_PARAMETER", "ego_variable_name" : "DERIVATION_PARAMETER", "dim" : ["N_DERIVATION", "STRING64"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "List of parameters with derivation or calibration information", "conventions" : "EGO reference table 3", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_parameter_derivation_data.DERIVATION_EQUATION", "ego_variable_name" : "DERIVATION_EQUATION", "dim" : ["N_DERIVATION", "STRING256"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Derivation or calibration equation for this parameter", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_parameter_derivation_data.DERIVATION_COEFFICIENT", "ego_variable_name" : "DERIVATION_COEFFICIENT", "dim" : ["N_DERIVATION", "STRING512"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Derivation or calibration coeffcicients for this equation", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_parameter_derivation_data.DERIVATION_COMMENT", "ego_variable_name" : "DERIVATION_COMMENT", "dim" : ["N_DERIVATION", "STRING256"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Comment applying to this parameter derivation or calibration", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "glider_parameter_derivation_data.DERIVATION_DATE", "ego_variable_name" : "DERIVATION_DATE", "dim" : ["N_DERIVATION", "DATE_TIME"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Date (UTC) of derivation or calibration", "conventions" : "YYYYMMDDHHMISS", "_FillValue" : " " } ], "history": [ { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "HISTORY_INSTITUTION", "dim" : ["N_HISTORY", "STRING2"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Institution which performed action", "conventions" : "EGO reference table 4", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "HISTORY_STEP", "dim" : ["N_HISTORY", "STRING4"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Step in data processing", "conventions" : "EGO reference table 12", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "HISTORY_SOFTWARE", "dim" : ["N_HISTORY", "STRING8"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Name of software which performed action", "conventions" : "Institution dependent", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "HISTORY_SOFTWARE_RELEASE", "dim" : ["N_HISTORY", "STRING4"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Version/release of software which performed action", "conventions" : "Institution dependent", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "HISTORY_REFERENCE", "dim" : ["N_HISTORY", "STRING64"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Reference of database", "conventions" : "Institution dependent", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "HISTORY_DATE", "dim" : ["N_HISTORY", "DATE_TIME"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Date the history record was created", "conventions" : "YYYYMMDDHHMISS", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "HISTORY_ACTION", "dim" : ["N_HISTORY", "STRING64"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Action performed on data", "conventions" : "EGO reference table 7", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "HISTORY_PARAMETER", "dim" : ["N_HISTORY", "STRING16"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Parameter action is performed on", "conventions" : "EGO reference table 3", "_FillValue" : " " }, { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "HISTORY_PREVIOUS_VALUE", "dim" : "N_HISTORY", "typeof" : "float", "long_name" : "Parameter or flag previous value before action", "_FillValue" : 99999 }, { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "HISTORY_START_TIME_INDEX", "dim" : "N_HISTORY", "typeof" : "int", "long_name" : "Start time index action applied on", "_FillValue" : 99999 }, { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "HISTORY_STOP_TIME_INDEX", "dim" : "N_HISTORY", "typeof" : "int", "long_name" : "Stop time index action applied on", "_FillValue" : 99999 }, { "variable_name" : "", "ego_variable_name" : "HISTORY_QCTEST", "dim" : ["N_HISTORY", "STRING16"], "typeof" : "char", "long_name" : "Documentation of tests performed, tests failed (in hex form)", "conventions" : "Write tests performed when ACTION=QCP$; tests failed when ACTION=QCF$", "_FillValue" : " " } ] }