#***************************************************************************** #* #* PRO : CO-04-09-11 #* MOD : CO-04-09-11 #* ROL : Medatlas to OceanSites NetCDF converter. #* CRE : 10/09/2009 #* AUT : Thierry Carval #* VER : @(#)1.1 #* @(#)04/11/2009 #***************************************************************************** #* #* HISTORY #* 10/09/2009 TC Original Solaris version #* 04/11/2009 TC Solaris and Linux version #* 09/11/2009 TC Credit to EuroSITES project #* 12/03/2010 TC Version 1.1 includes ODV and Medatlas conversion for Solaris #* #***************************************************************************** #* #* Copyright, IFREMER, 2010 #* #**************************************************************************** #* #* CREDIT #* The Medatlas to NetCDF file converter is developped for Unix-Solaris or linux worstations. #* This software development was funded by the EurosSITES project (EU FP7). #* #**************************************************************************** The installation is performed in 4 steps. 1. Unzip OceanSITES_converter_1.1.tar.gz ---------------------------------------------- gunzip OceanSITES_converter_1.1.tar.gz tar xvf OceanSITES_converter_1.1.tar 2.1 Choose you system ---------------------------------------------- cd OceanSITES_converter_1.1/solaris 2.2 Edit and update 2 following files ---------------------------------------------- exe/CoAppOceanTimeSeriesConverter.csh CORIOLIS_CONF : the path to CO.cfg (located in the dat directory) EXE : the path to exe directory (where CoAppOceanTimeSeriesConverter.csh is located) dat/CO.cfg CO_ERROR : the path to dat/CO_Error directory CO_REPORT : the path to log/CO_Report directory LOG : the path to log directory 3. Test the converter ---------------------------------------------- exe/CoAppOceanTimeSeriesConverter.csh -BI Last build : lundi, 15 février 2010, 15:07:41 MET on mengam exe/CoAppOceanTimeSeriesConverter.csh CO-04-09-11 Medatlas and ODV OceanSites time series converter report 12/03/2010 11:32:08 Number of parameters incorrect, use ConfigFileName InputFileName medatlas|odv NetcdfFileName [-no_check] ko 4. Use the converter ---------------------------------------------- exe/CoAppOceanTimeSeriesConverter.csh dat/E2-M3A.cfg etc/e2m3a-sample-odv4.txt odv etc/e2m3a-sample-odv4.nc CO-04-09-11 Medatlas and ODV OceanSites time series converter report 12/03/2010 11:32:59 The column used for level computing is no found : SEA WATER DEPTH Can't compute depth dimension ok odv M3A-E2 2004-02-16T10:00:00Z 2004-06-05T23:00:00Z 2606 DEPH DRYT WSPD ATMS RELH CNDC TEMP SVEL PSAL