.. _doc.coupling.ww3: **Wave model : WW3** ==================== **General presentation** ------------------------ The WAVEWATCH III modelling framework was originally developped by Hendrik Tolman. WAVEWATCH III (R) is a registered trade mark of the National Weather Service (NOAA/NWS). Others have joined the development team, this is the case of SHOM and now Ifremer (with particular emphasis on the parameterization of physical processes and wave-current interactions), and the Technical University of Darmstadt (numerical schemes on triangle-based meshes). The purpose of these pages is to summarize the main instructions, but it is not a WW3 documentation. The reader must visit the WAVEWATCH III official website `ww3ncep`_ to use WW3 properly. The general documentation is available under `ww3ncepdoc`_ and IFREMER `ww3ifremer`_ pages might also be usefull. **Downloading (IFREMER version)** --------------------------------- :: svn export --username $extranet_login https://forge.ifremer.fr/svn/ww3/trunk/model **Compilation** --------------- Please follow the general instructions under `ww3wikiinstall`_ Summary in 3 steps : 1. *Environment* * use the libraries you prefer, for instance:: module purge ; module load mpt/2.06 intel-comp/12.1.5 or module purge ; module load intel-comp/12.1.5 intel-mpi/ * in .cshrc file, add the following lines:: setenv WWATCH3_NETCDF NC4 setenv WWATCH3_ENV /path/WW3/trunk/model/wwatch3.env and:: setenv NETCDF_CONFIG /export/home13/previmer/op/bin/netcdf4.1.2_mpt/bin/nc-config setenv NETCDF_CONFIG /appli/netCDF/netcdf4.1.2_mpt/bin/nc-config #setenv NETCDF_CONFIG /appli/netCDF/netcdf-4.2.1__intel-12.1.5_mpt-2.06/bin/nc-config setenv OASISDIR /home3/caparmor/marsdev/OASIS/oasis3-mct/compile_oa3-mct_mpt2.06 setenv OASISDIR /home10/caparmor/previmer/users/devww3/OASIS/work_oasis3-mct-mpt2.06-comp-12.1.5 with mpt/2.06 intel-comp/12.1.5 modules or:: #setenv NETCDF_CONFIG /export/home13/previmer/op/bin/netcdf4.1.2_par/bin/nc-config setenv NETCDF_CONFIG /appli/netCDF/netcdf4.1.2_par/bin/nc-config; #setenv OASISDIR /home3/caparmor/marsdev/OASIS/oasis3-mct/compile_oa3-mct_mpi4.0/ setenv OASISDIR /home10/caparmor/previmer/users/devww3/OASIS/work_oasis3-mct-mpi- with intel-comp/12.1.5 intel-mpi/ modules * create under path/WW3/trunk/model the wwatch3.env file like: .. literalinclude:: FILES/COUPLING/wwatch3.env #. *Pre-compilation under bin directory* complete clean-up : ``w3_clean -c`` partial clean-up:: w3_clean -c???? Not ready yet set the environment up:: create a file switch_CONF w3_setup .. -c mpt -s CONF -q [Update settings ? [y/n] n] or w3_setup .. -c Intel_Altix -s CONF -q remark : to compile with debugging options : ``w3_setup -c mpt_debug -s CONF`` optional : remove '*'.o : ``w3_new`` optional : remove tmp directory : ``w3_clean`` some switches (same as CPP key in fortran):: +====================+==================================+ | SWITCH | purpose | +====================+==================================+ | SHRD | sequential run | +--------------------+----------------------------------+ | DIST MPI | parallel run (MPI) | +--------------------+----------------------------------+ | NOPA | no PALM (program / subroutine) | +====================+==================================+ #. *Compilation under bin directory* compile the executable you need:: w3_make ww3_grid ww3_strt ww3_prep ww3_shel ww3_ounf ww3_prnc ww3_bounc ww3_ounp ww3_prtide or w3_make **Create the input files of ww3_shel (main program)** ----------------------------------------------------- Initialize the \*.inp files and run each pre-processing program. For instance : * For the grid, create mask.ww3,mod_def.ww3 input files : ``ww3_grid > out_ww3_grid`` which reads ww3_grid.inp file * Create the starting file restart.ww3 : ``mpirun -np 1 ww3_strt > out_ww3_strt`` which reads ww3_strt.inp file * For the forcings, create level.ww3, current.ww3 input files :: - ascii:: cp ww3_prep_niv.inp ww3_prep.inp ww3_prep > out_ww3_prep_niv cp ww3_prep_cur.inp ww3_prep.inp ww3_prep > out_ww3_prep_cur - netCDF:: cp ww3_prnc_niv.inp ww3_prnc.inp ww3_prnc > out_ww3_prnc_niv cp ww3_prnc_cur.inp ww3_prnc.inp ww3_prnc > out_ww3_prnc_cur **Run** ------- qsub job_for_qsub.sh with job_for_qsub.sh like : .. literalinclude:: FILES/COUPLING/job_for_qsub_ww3.sh **Get a netCDF file** --------------------- :: ww3_ounf > out_ww3_ounf .. note:: * Do not forget to remove out_grd.ww3 file before launching your run. Otherwise, the new results are added to the previous out_grd.ww3 file. Which is perfect when using a restart file and for long term runs ! * if you cannot execute ww3_ounf program : unload gcc or libz modules .. _ww3ifremer: https://forge.ifremer.fr/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/ww3/index.php/Accueil .. _ww3wikiinstall: https://forge.ifremer.fr/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/ww3/index.php/En:installation .. _ww3ncep: http://polar.ncep.noaa.gov/waves/index2.shtml .. _ww3ncepdoc: http://polar.ncep.noaa.gov/waves/wavewatch/wavewatch.shtml