Developper’s corner

WW3 informations

  • To add a module, change

  • WW3 structure

| ww3_shel.ftn       | main program  |                                    |
| w3wavemd.ftn       | subroutine    | time integration of wave variables |
| w3iogomd.ftn       | subroutine    | IO                                 |
| w3oacpmd.ftn       | subroutine    | OASIS main routine                 |
| w3ogcmmd.ftn       | subroutine    | OASIS coupling with MARS           |
  • WW3 variables
| Variable Name      | Signification                     | Assigned in    | spatial extension |
| WLV                | Sea surface Height (m)            |                | NSEA              |
| CX                 | Oceanic current u-component (m/s) |                | 0:NSEA (CX(0)=0)  |
| CY                 | Oceanic current v-component (m/s) |                | 0:NSEA (CY(0)=0)  |
| T0M1               | Mean wave period (s)              |                | NSEALM            |
| HS                 | Wave height (hs in m)             |                | NSEALM            |
| THM                | Mean wave direction (degrees)     |                | NSEALM            |
| BHD                | Wave-induced Bernoulli head       |                | NSEALM            |
|                    | pressure (N.m-1) (J term)         |                |                   |
| TAUOX              | Wave-ocean momentum flux (m2.s-2) |                | NSEALM            |
| TAUOY              | Wave-ocean momentum flux (m2.s-2) |                | NSEALM            |
| UBA                | Bottom rms velocity (m/s)         |                | NSEALM            |
| PHIOC              | Wave-to-ocean TKE flux (W.m-2)    |                | NSEALM            |
| TAUWIX             | Net wave-supported stress (m2.s-2)|                | NSEALM            |
| TAUWIY             | Net wave-supported stress (m2.s-2)|                | NSEALM            |
| WLM                | Mean wave length (m)              |                | NSEALM            |
  • Note on the MPI decomposition domain

    Each cpu increments on its own domain:

      !/DIST            ISEA   = IAPROC + (JSEA-1)*NAPROC
      !/SHRD            ISEA   = JSEA
               WLV(ISEA) = TMP(JSEA)
               CX(ISEA) = TMP(JSEA)
               CY(ISEA) = TMP(JSEA)


NSEA + land cells = NY*NX (open boundaries are included into NSEA variable) NSEAL : number of wet cells covered by the CPU domain NSEALM : maximum of NSEAL

(imin+1,jmin+1) on MARS grid == (2,2) on WW3 grid