Processes in sediment module MUSTANGΒΆ

There are 2 options (2 versions) :
  • version 1 :
    used by default with key_sedim_MUSTANG, based on the model “mixsed”
    developped by Le Hir et al (2011)
  • version 2 :
    used with key_sedim_MUSTANG && key_MUSTANG_V2,
    recently developped by B. Mengual and P. Le Hir
    to improve layer and porosity management,
    as well as erosion and deposition processes with mixing sediment (at cohesif and non cohesif regime).
    The bedload processes have taken into account in this new version (based on the developments of A. Rivier (2017))
    (see Mengual, 2018 - Seine Aval report - Morphoseine Project)