(This page is to be updated gradually)

TRANSMED installation on board the Jolly Indaco/ Linea Messina

Specific schematics and pictures

Journal of operations (not exhaustive...yet)

date: 04 Nov. 2010

  1. Installation of a BAROS station to record atmospheric pressure. Data transmitted autonomously via iridium on hourly vacations (data available through GTS, distributed on the global meteorological network). The instrument is on the deck above the bridge on port, and cabled to its PWR supply in the radio office. 
picture of this type of instrument / Baros Box

  1. Installation of a GPS antenna for the TRANSMED system.  A dedicated GPS has been installed on the deck above the bridge, on port. The cabling goes to the radio office. The GPS signal has been successfully received/tested on 4. nov. 2010.
TRANSMED_GPS_Antenna Position of the TRANSMED GPS antenna
TRANSMED_GPS_Antenna_zoomZoom on the TRANSMED GPS antenna
TRANSMED_GPS_connector Connector of the TRANSMED GPS antenna cable in the radio office

  1. Status of the TRANSMED system: Off (due to the situation)