Source code for

Created on Jun 26, 2017

@author: jfpiolle
from collections import OrderedDict

# recommended cloud mask


FLAGS = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768]
MEANINGS = ("visible 1.37_threshold 1.6_small_histogram 1.6_large_histogram "
            "2.25_small_histogram 2.25_large_histogram 11_spatial_coherence "
            "gross_cloud thin_cirrus medium_high fog_low_stratus "
            "11_12_view_difference 3.7_11_view_difference thermal_histogram"
            " spare spare").split()

[docs]def cloud_mask( bitmask, flagmeanings=MEANINGS, flags=FLAGS, bits=DEFAULT_CLOUDMASK): """Build the cloud mask from the bitmask variable and the positional bits. Args: bitmask (numpy.ndarray): the bitmask array (ex: content of 'cloud_in' variable) flagmeanings (list): the list of flag meanings (explanation associated with each flag value, as provided in flag_meanings CF attribute flags (list): the list of flag values, as provided in flag_masks CF attribute bits (list, optional): list of bits to test for cloud mask extraction, if you don't want to use default values (preset for 'S3A_SL_2_WCT__cloud_in' variable). The default flag selection is: * 1.37_threshold * gross_cloud * thin_cirrus * medium_high * 11_12_view_difference * 3.7_11_view_difference * fog_low_stratus * 11_spatial_coherence Return: numpy.ndarray: array of boolean (True when cloudy) """ allmeanings = flagmeanings if not isinstance(allmeanings, list): # split whitespace separated attribute items in a list allmeanings = [_ for _ in allmeanings.split(' ') if _ != ''] # calculate sum (and) of all mask bits requested to be set bitlist = bits masksum = 0 for criterium in bitlist: try: bit = allmeanings.index(criterium) except: raise ValueError("Unknown flag meaning {}".format(criterium)) masksum += flags[bit] # calculate mask return (bitmask & masksum) > 0
[docs]def cloud_summary( bitmask, flagmeanings=MEANINGS, flags=FLAGS, bits=DEFAULT_CLOUDMASK): """Return the cloud summary, flag by flag Args: bitmask (numpy.ndarray): the bitmask array (ex: content of 'cloud_in' variable) flagmeanings (list): the list of flag meanings (explanation associated with each flag value, as provided in flag_meanings CF attribute flags (list): the list of flag values, as provided in flag_masks CF attribute Return: dict of numpy.ndarray: a dictionary of boolean arrays (True is set when cloudy), one for each mask bit tested. """ cloud_mask_dict = OrderedDict([]) for flag in flagmeanings: cloud_mask_dict[flag] = cloud_mask( bitmask, flagmeanings, flags, [flag] ) return cloud_mask_dict